Media Mogul Rupert Murdoch Steps Down from Fox and News Corp.

End of an Era As 92-Year-Old Mogul Leaves Media Empire

Lachlan Murdoch Assumes Sole Chairmanship of Fox News Parent Company

In a major shakeup in the media landscape, Rupert Murdoch, the 92-year-old media tycoon who founded Fox News, has resigned from his leadership roles at Fox's parent company and News Corp.

The decision, announced on Thursday, makes 52-year-old Lachlan Murdoch the sole chairman of Fox News parent company Fox Corporation and News Corp.

Murdoch's resignation marks the end of an era for his vast media empire, which includes Fox News, The Times of London, and The Wall Street Journal. Murdoch built his media empire from scratch, starting with a single newspaper in Australia in the 1950s.

Under Murdoch's leadership, Fox News became one of the most influential news networks in the world, known for its conservative perspective and polarizing hosts.

Lachlan Murdoch has overseen Fox News's programming and has played a key role in its success.

The resignation of Rupert Murdoch is expected to have significant implications for the media landscape, as Lachlan Murdoch is likely to take the company in a different direction.